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Chief Minister cm Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (CMAPS) Registration Apply Online 2023 | Uttar Pradesh UP CM Mukhyamantri Fellowship Programme Online Registration 2023

 Chief Minister cm Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (CMAPS) Registration Apply Online 2023 | Uttar Pradesh UP CM Mukhyamantri Fellowship Programme Online Registration 2023  

Chief Minister Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (CMAPS) is a scheme of Uttar Pradesh Government through which state government provides training to youths and links them with definite employment for a specified duration. Establishments/organizations/companies in which youths are getting apprenticeship, can apply under this scheme to avail the NAPS Amount (INR) & CMAPS Amount (INR) from State Government under certain terms & conditions. To avail the benefit, establishments will have to register themselves on CMAPS Portal and submit the details of respective Apprentice(s). Thereafter, furnished details will be verified by the concerned ITI and Joint Director (Training/Apprentice) of Mandal. Once the details are verified, amount will be released in Bank Account of Establishment/Apprentice.

मुख्यमंत्री शिक्षुता प्रोत्साहन योजना (सीएमएपीएस) उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार की योजना है जिसके माध्यम से राज्य सरकार युवाओं को प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करती है एवं एक निश्चित अवधि के लिए उन्हें रोजगार से जोड़ती है। ऐसी स्थापनाएं/प्रतिष्ठान/कंपनियां जहां युवाओं को शिक्षुता प्रदान की जा रही है वे इस योजना के तहत आवेदन कर सकते हैं तथा राज्य सरकार से निहित नियमों एवं शर्तों के अधीन राष्ट्रीय प्रशिक्षुता संवर्धन योजना धनराशि (भारतीय रुपया) तथा मुख्यमंत्री शिक्षुता प्रोत्साहन योजना धनराशि (भारतीय रुपया) प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। इस योजना का लाभ प्राप्त करने हेतु स्थापनाओं को सीएमएपीएस पोर्टल पर स्वयं को पंजीकृत करना होगा तथा संबंधित प्रशिक्षुओं का विवरण दर्ज करना होगा। तदोपरांत, संबंधित आईटीआई एवं मंडल के संयुक्त निदेशक (प्रशिक्षण/शिक्षु) द्वारा, दर्ज की गई जानकारियों का सत्यापन किया जाएगा। सत्यापन के पश्चात, धनराशि संबंधित स्थापना/प्रशिक्षु के बैंक खाते में अंतरित कर दी जाएगी।


Government of Uttar Pradesh

CM Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme


 Fill Username/Registered Email ID, Password & Captcha in the respective fields and click on Login button.

संबंधित फील्ड में यूज़रनेम/पंजीकृत ईमेल आईडी, पासवर्ड तथा कैप्चा भरें तथा लॉगिन बटन पर क्लिक करें।

 On first login, user will have to change his/her auto-generated password for security reasons.

प्रथम लॉगिन के पश्चात उपयोक्ता को सुरक्षा कारणों से अपने स्वतः जनित पासवर्ड को बदलना होगा।

If user forgets password then click on Forgot Password? link & submit Username for OTP based Mobile No. verification. Once the verification is done, user can create new password.

यदि उपयोक्ता अपना पासवर्ड भूल जाते हैं तो पासवर्ड भूल गए? लिंक पर क्लिक करें तथा ओटीपी आधारित मोबाइल नंबर सत्यापन हेतु यूज़रनेम भरें। सत्यापन के पश्चात उपयोक्ता नया पासवर्ड सृजित कर सकेंगे।

स्थापना द्वारा मुख्यमंत्री प्रशिक्षु प्रोत्साहन योजना पोर्टल को संचालन करने हेतु...

चरण 1- पोर्टल पर पंजीकरण करें

 पोर्टल पर स्थापना के रूप में पंजीकृत होने के संबंशित फील्डों में स्थापना का प्रकार (सरकारी अथवा

Pvt) का चयन करें तथा एनएपीएस आईडी, स्थापना का नाम, शजला, मोबाइल नंबर एवं ईमेल आईडी भरकर

पंजीकरण करें।

  भरा गया मोबाइल नंबर One Time Password (OTP) के माध्यम से ...

सत्यापन के पश्चात पंजीकरण संबंशित ITI को सत्यापन हेतु प्रेशित कर दिया जाएगा।

 ITI द्वारा पंजीकरण हो जाने के पश्चात, LOGIN पंजीकृत मोबाइल नंबर व

ईमेल आईडी पर प्रेशित कर दिया जाएगा।

चरण 2 – LOGIN करें

 संबंशित फील्डों में यूज़रनेम पासवडट व कैप्चा भरें तथा LOGIN करें। तत्पश्चात,

उपयोक्ता को Dashboard पर हस्तांतररत कर दिया जाएगा।

प्रथम Login पर उपयोक्ता को सुरक्षा कारणों से अपना स्वतः Change Password.

यदि उपयोक्ता अपना Password भूल जाता है तो Password भूल गए?  पर Click करें तथा OTP Registered मोबाइल नंबर सत्यापन हेतु अपना यूज़रनेम भरें। सत्यापन Success होने के पश्चात उपयोक्ता नया Password Generate कर सकेंगे।

चरण 3 – स्थापना Related Data Entry.

 प्रथम Login के पश्चात उपयोक्ता को अपनी स्थापना का Details Entry करना होगा। Fill all details in Blanks. 

o पैन/डीआईएन

o GST नंबर

o Contact Person नाम

o Post

o मोबाइल नंबर

Aadhaar नंबर

o बैंक Details (यदि स्थापना का प्रकार Pvt है)

जब तक स्थापना का Details Entry नहीं हो जाता है उपयोक्ता को आगे की Process पूरी करने की Permission नहीं होगी।

स्थापना का Details Entry होने के पश्चात कभी भी Correction किया जा सकेगा।

Guidelines for Establishments to Operate CM Apprenticeship Promotion

Scheme (CMAPS) Portal

Step 1- Register on Portal

 To register as an Establishment on portal, select Establishment Type (Government or Private) and

fill NAPS ID, Name of Establishment, District, Mobile No. & Email ID in the respective fields

and click on Register button.

 Thereafter, entered Mobile No. will be verified through One Time Password (OTP). After

verification, registration details will be forwarded to concerned ITI for verification.

 Once the registration details are verified by ITI, login credentials of establishment will be sent on

registered Mobile No. & Email ID.

Step 2 – Login

 Fill Username, Password & Captcha in the respective fields and click on Login button.

Thereafter, user will be redirected to the dashboard.

On first login, user will have to change his/her auto-generated password for security


If user forgets password then click on Forgot Password? link & submit Username for OTP based

Mobile No. verification. Once the verification is done, user can create new password.

Step 3- Submit Establishment related details

 After first login, user will have to submit details of his/her establishment. Submit following

details in form:


o GST No.

o Name of Contact Person

o Designation

o Mobile No.

o Aadhaar No.

o Bank Details (if Establishment Type is Private)

Until Establishment details are submitted, user will not be allowed to proceed further. Details of

Establishment submitted once can be edited by User anytime

Step 4- Submit Details of Apprentice

 After submission of Establishment details, user will have to submit details of

Apprentice. User will have to submit following details under respective heads:

o Basic Information

 Name of Apprentice

 Gender

 Date of Birth

 Aadhaar No.

 Mobile No.

 Email ID


o Contract Details

 Contract No.

 Contract Signing Date

 ATS Trade in which Training is being provided

 Duration of Apprenticeship (in Months)

 Starting date of Apprenticeship

 Wages/Stipend Paid to Candidate (in Rs.)

 Along with, select ITI result status of candidate i.e., Pass or Fail.

 Fill Name of Bank, Account No. & IFSC Code of Candidate (in case of Government

Establishment) in respective fields.

After submission, details will appear in grid view structure on same page. To Edit or

Delete details of particular candidate, click on respective icon from grid view


Step 5- Submit Invoice & Claim Details of Candidates

 After completion of Step 4, user will have to submit Invoice & Claim details of


 Click on respective side menu and then select Candidate, Year & Quarter for which

stipend has to be claimed (in case of Private Establishment)/month for which stipend

has to be claimed (in case of Government Establishment).

 Thereafter, details of respective candidates will be auto-fetched from already added

details. User can do modification in Monthly Stipend Amount, if required.

 Along with, upload following documents in JPG/JPEG/PDF format whose file size

should not exceed 2 MB each (in case of Private Organization only):

o Covering Letter with Recommendation for Payment

o Invoice Submitted by the Establishment

o Bank Statement

Once the submission is done, details will appear in grid view structure on same page.

To View, Edit or Delete details of any candidate, click on respective icon from grid

view structure.

Step 6- View Status & Answer/Resolve Query

 After submission of Invoice & Claim details, application will be forwarded to

concerned ITI for verification. If ITI raises any query then Establishment will have to

answer it at the earliest through its dashboard. Once the query is resolved and ITI finds

the details authentic then ITI will forward the application to Joint Director (JD) for

final approval.

 If JD finds the details authentic then he/she will give final approval to the application.

 Thereafter, status will appear on Establishment’s dashboard and ITI will release the

amount of NAPS & CMAPS in Bank Account of respective candidate/establishment.

SMS & Email alerts will be sent to registered Mobile No. & Email ID of Establishment at

every necessary step.

cm Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme CMAPS Registration                         Click here

cm Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme CMAPS Login                                    Click here

cm Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme CMAPS English notice                     Click here                                        

cm Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme CMAPS Hindi notice                         Click here                                                                                                           

cm Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme CMAPS Official Website                   Click here

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