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आरसेटी हेतु संकाय सदस्य, कार्यालय सहायक, कार्यालय परिचारक एवं वाचमैन कम माली की आवश्यकता, Requirement of faculty member, office assistant, office attendant and watchman cum gardener for RSET

 आरसेटी हेतु संकाय सदस्य, कार्यालय सहायक, कार्यालय परिचारक एवं वाचमैन कम माली की आवश्यकता  

Requirement of faculty member, office assistant, office attendant and watchman cum gardener for RSET

बैंक ऑफ इंडिया, खंडवा अंचल पुरस्कृत स्टार स्वारोजगार प्रशिक्षण संस्थान (RSETI) में अनुबंध के आधार पर संकाय सदस्य कार्यालय सहायक, कार्यालय परिचारक एवं वाचमैन कम माली पद के लिये योग्य व्यक्तियों से आवेदन आमंत्रित करता है।

कृपया नोट करें कि उपरोक्त पद पूर्ण रूप से अनुबंध के आधार पर भरे जाएँगे एवं नियुक्त व्यक्तियों का कार्य विस्तार उनके कार्य की समीक्षा के आधार पर निश्चित अंतराल पर किया जाएगा। नियुक्ति बैंक के नियम एवं शर्तों के आधार पर की जाएगी। उपरोक्त पदों के लिए आवेदन पत्र हमारी वेबसाइट के करियर सेक्शन से प्राप्त किए जा सकते है। पूर्ण रूप से भरे गये एवं समस्त दस्तावेज के साथ आवेदन पत्र हमारे आंचलिक कार्यालय

खंडवा के उपरोक्त पते पर दिनांक 08.09.2021 की शाम 4.00 बजे तक भेजे जा सकते हैं। कृपया नोट करें कि बैंक आफ इंडिया बिना किसी पूर्व सूचना के इस विज्ञापन को रद्द करने का अधिकार सुरक्षित रखता है। उम्मीदवार अधिमांतः स्थानीय क्षेत्र के होने चाहिए)

उम्मीदवार अधिमान्यतः स्थानीय क्षेत्र का निवासी होना चाहिए।

आवेदन पत्र का डाक संक्रमण में प्राप्त न होना, या नुकसान होना, या आवेदन पत्र प्राप्त होने में किसी भी देरी के लिए बैंक किसी भी प्रकार से जिम्मेदार नहीं होगा।

आंशिक रूप से भरे या अपूर्ण आवेदन पत्र पर विचार नहीं किया जाएगा।

यदि आवेदक चुना जाता है तो प्रस्ताव पत्र स्वीकार करने की तिथि पर आवेदक किसी भी सरकारी या निजी संगठन के साथ पूरा या अंतकालिक आधार या अनुबंध के आधार पर जुड़ा नहीं होना चाहिए। विशेष जानकारी के लिए आंचलिक कार्यालय के कृषि ऋण विभाग में संपर्क करें।

"उपरोक्त चयन के लिए बैंक ऑफ़ इंडिया खंडवा अंचल के पास अंतिम निर्णय सुरक्षित रहेगा।

RSETI खंडवा के लिए सहायक स्टाफ की नियुक्ति। RSETI खरगोन और RSETI

संविदा के आधार पर बुरहानपुर

बैंक ऑफ इंडिया, खंडवा जोन संविदा के आधार पर आरएसईटीआई खंडवा, आरएसईटीआई खरगोन और आरएसईटीआई बुरहानपुर में विभिन्न सहायक स्टाफ के पदों के लिए आवेदन आमंत्रित करता है जिसका विवरण नीचे दिया गया है:

RSETI खंडवा के लिए सहायक स्टाफ की नियुक्ति। RSETI खरगोन और RSETI

संविदा के आधार पर बुरहानपुर

चयनित उम्मीदवारों को 2 साल की अवधि के लिए अनुबंध के आधार पर नियुक्त किया जाएगा, मौजूदा नीतियों और नियमों के अनुसार बैंक के विवेकाधिकार पर नवीनीकरण पर विचार किया जा सकता है। इस संबंध में बैंक का निर्णय अंतिम होगा। विस्तृत अधिसूचना के साथ आवेदन पत्र हमारी वेबसाइट पर "करियर" शीर्षक के तहत उपलब्ध है। विधिवत रूप से भरा हुआ आवेदन पत्र हमें उपरोक्त पते पर एक बंद लिफाफे में शाम चार बजे तक पहुंच जाना चाहिए। 08-09-2021 को या उससे पहले

RSETI खंडवा के लिए सहायक स्टाफ की नियुक्ति। RSETI खरगोन और RSETI

संविदा के आधार पर बुरहानपुर

चयनित उम्मीदवारों को 2 साल की अवधि के लिए अनुबंध के आधार पर नियुक्त किया जाएगा, मौजूदा नीतियों और नियमों के अनुसार बैंक के विवेकाधिकार पर नवीनीकरण पर विचार किया जा सकता है। इस संबंध में बैंक का निर्णय अंतिम होगा। विस्तृत अधिसूचना के साथ आवेदन पत्र हमारी वेबसाइट पर "करियर" शीर्षक के तहत उपलब्ध है। विधिवत रूप से भरा हुआ आवेदन पत्र हमें उपरोक्त पते पर एक बंद लिफाफे में शाम चार बजे तक पहुंच जाना चाहिए। 08-09-2021 को या उससे पहले उम्मीदवार को अधिमानतः उस जिले का निवासी होना चाहिए जहां आरएसईटीआई स्थित है। कृपया ध्यान दें कि बैंक ऑफ इंडिया बिना किसी पूर्व सूचना के विज्ञापन/चयन प्रक्रिया को रद्द/स्थगित करने का अधिकार सुरक्षित रखता है। *मौजूदा नीति और दिशानिर्देशों के अनुसार

RSETI खंडवा के लिए सहायक स्टाफ की नियुक्ति। RSETI खरगोन और RSETI

संविदा के आधार पर बुरहानपुर

आवेदन पत्र

पीडीएफ निर्यात करें

एडोब एक्सपोर्टपीडीएफ

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सीर्ड पोर फ़ाइल

सेवा में, क्षेत्रीय प्रबंधक बैंक ऑफ इंडिया खंडवा अंचल।

अनुबंध 11

पर हस्ताक्षरित हाल ही का पासपोर्ट चिपकाएं

आकार की तस्वीर विधिवत

Engagement of Support Staff for RSETI Khandwa.RSETI Khargone and RSETI

Burhanpur on Contractual Basis

Bank of India, Khandwa Zone invites applications for the post of various support staff at RSETI Khandwa, RSETI Khargone and RSETI Burhanpur on Contractual Basis the details of which are as below:

The selected candidates shall be engaged on contract basis for a period of 2 years Renewal may be considered at Bank's sole discretion in terms of extant policies and rules. Decision of the Bank in this regard will be final. Application form with detailed notification is available on our website under head "Career". The duly completed application form should reach us at the above mentioned address in a closed cover by 4.P.M. on or before 08-09-2021

Candidate should preferably be a resident of the district where RSETI is located. Please note that Bank of India reserves the right to cancel/postpone the advertisement/selection process without any prior notice. *As per extant policy & guidelines


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To, The Zonal Manager Bank of India Khandwa Zone.


Paste a recent passport signed across on the

sized photograph duly



With reference to your insertion on Bank's Website/ Daily News Paper, regarding the above lappend below following information for your kind perusal and needful action. I am also enclosing self-attested papers/documents related to Proof of Identity/Address/Educational Qualification.

 X: Note: All correspondence (Le. Admit Card for written examination, interview call letter) will be issued in the e-mail id of the applicant. No separate letter will be issued to the applicant.

Place: Date:

Post Applied For:




(In case of application by a retired employee of a Public Sector Bank) Application without Employer Bank Certificate will not be considered

We certify that the information furnished hereinabove by the applicant Shri/Smt.

of Grade superannuation/voluntary retirement on ...... Retired from this Bank on attaining His details have been verified with his/her Service record and found to be correct. While in Bank's service, his/her integrity was beyond doubt. There is nothing on record that may render the candidate prima facie ineligible for

the post of Channel Management Partner
 X: Job Profile of RSETI Faculty:

Assisting the Director RSETI in conducting training programs.

Conducting pre-training activities, including awareness programs, generation of applications and selection of candidates.

• Assisting the Director RSETI in preparation of Annual Action Plan, designing the customized training programs and evaluation of the training.

Organizing the logistics for the training programs, including training material and guest faculties.

Handling sessions related to motivation, entrepreneurship, market survey, business opportunity guidance, business plan preparation, launching formalities and enterprise management aspects (costing, pricing, inventory management, marketing, customer relations etc.)
 X: • Providing post-training escort services including follow-up visits/meets. Preparation of business plan/ project report for RSETI trained entrepreneurs.

Providing counseling, credit linkage, marketing linkage, etc. to the trained

entrepreneurs. Preparation of notes for training session, post programme report, monthly progress report and annual activity report.

• Organizing functions, events and meetings of the RSETI.

Preparation of press release/reports on the activities of the RSETI for media coverage.

Supervising work of the Office Assistant, Sub-staff and watchman of the RSETI.

Monitoring the performance of guest faculty (skill training).

Maintenance of fixed assets and library of the RSETI.

Overseeing the maintenance of campus including, class r…
 X: Eligibility for Faculty

The candidate should have minimum qualification of graduation. Diploma in vocational courses is preferable.

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The candidate should have a flair for teaching and should possess sound knowledge of computers.

An excellent communication skill in local language is essential, fluency in Hindi and English would be an added qualification.

. The candidate should be proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel and Power Point) and Internet.

Typing skills in Hindi/English will be an added advantage.

. The candidate should preferably be a resident of the district where RSETI is - located.
X: How to apply:

The application should be submitted by the candidate with necessary documents as per Bank's prescribed format which is available from our Bank's official website Annexure II: For all Applicants; Annexure-III & IV: additionally (mandatory) for retired employees of PSU Banks.

No. of Vacancies:

One vacancy for the post of faculty in our RSETI Khandwa and two vacancy at RSETI Burhanpur on contractual basis for a period of Two Years. Provision for further renewal based on satisfactory performance/conduct/behavior and for a maximum period of 5 Years including initial two years subject to maximum age of 65 Years. The contract may be terminated by either side by giving one month's notice.

Age criteria:

Minimum 25 Years and Maximum 63 years subject…
 X: Selection Procedure:

All candidates applying for the above mentioned post will have to clear:

Written Test: to assess General Knowledge and Computer capability. Please note that the written test will be conducted in English language only.

Personal Interview: to assess communication skills, leadership quality, attitude, problem solving ability and ability to get along with the trainees' development approach.

Demonstration/Presentation: to assess teaching skills and communication capacity.

Note: Only those candidates who qualify in written exam will be called for interview/presentation.


The remuneration will be Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) per month on consolidated basis.
X: Actual Travelling Expenses:

Maximum Rs. 250/- per diem, for taking up the job of training wherever required at site, other than the institute, to be approved by RSETI Incharge / Director based on the reasonability of the same.


a. Maximum 12 days in a calendar year limited to a maximum of 4 days on each occasion to be availed only after prior approval of RSETI Director.

b. There is no provision for encashment of leaves even after exit of the Attendant on any reason/ground. No leaves can be accumulated. At the end of the calendar year, the leaves would lapse.

Exit Policy:

Bank reserves the right to remove the RSETI Faculty at any time even before the expiry period of contract in case his performance is not up to the Bank's expectations or otherwise too.
 X: Important Points:

Last date for submission of application is 08.09.2021.

The date of the written test and interview shall be decided with due consultation with higher authorities and with the committee formed for the purpose of appointment of support staff at RSETIS. The same shall be communicated to the Applicants by email. No separate postal letter will be issued.

The duly completed application form should reach us at the following address: "The Zonal Manager, Bank of India, Khandwa Zonal Office, Pd.Makhanlal chaturvedi marg. Anand nagar, khandwa - 450001" in a closed cover by 4

P.M. on or before 08.09.2021.

"APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF FACULTY IN RSETI-(Name of RSETI)" should be mentioned on the top of the envelope. Partially filled or unfilled appli…
 X: vii) If any candidate is selected, he/she should not be attached to any › Government/Private/any permanent/temporary/contractual basis as on the date of issue of engagement order.




viii) Note: For retired employees of PSU Bank extant guidelines and provisions in vogue shall apply. In case of any dispute, jurisdiction of Kanpur only shall be valid.
] X: Detailed Terms and Conditions for Engagement of Office Assistant for RSETI Khandwa. RSETI Burhanpur and RSETI Khargone

For engagement of Office Assistant (on contractual basis for a period of 2 years) the following terms and conditions to be read and followed by the applicant.

lob Profile of RSETI Office Assistant:

1. Assisting the Director and Faculty in effective functioning of the RSETI in order to fulfill the objectives of the Trust.

2. Maintaining of cash book, general ledger, vouchers, as per guidelines (Presently single entry Book keeping). 3. Maintaining all books, registers, both manual and soft copy as per prevailing

guidelines laid down by the Trust/Ministry.

4. Maintaining and updating all data related to trainings; follow up, settlement, e…
 X: 9. Making registration of candidates in all trainings, taking daily attendance of trainees and taking boarding attendance of trainees.

10. Conducting follow up visits as directed by the Director RSETI and reporting the same to the Director RSETI.

11. Up keeping of all fixed Assets and maintaining of Inventory of items including training materials and equipment.

12. Maintaining library books and issuing books to the trainees as and when demanded.

13. Carrying out all the instructions/any other work given by the Director RSETI and faculty from time to time


The candidate should be a Graduate viz. BSW / BA / B.Com / with knowledge of computers.

Candidate having knowledge in basic accounting will be taken as a preferred qualification.

The can…
 X: • The candidate should preferably be a resident of the district where RSETI is located.
X: How to apply:

The application should be submitted by the candidate with necessary documents as per

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Bank's prescribed format (Annexure-II) which is available from our Bank's official website.

No. of Vacancies:

Two vacancy for the post of office assistant in our RSETI Khandwa, Two vacancy for office assistant at RSETI Burhanpur and two vacancy for office assistant at RSETI Khargone on contractual basis for a period of Two Years.

Age Criteria:

Minimum 18 years and Maximum 45 years subject to physical fitness.
X: Selection Procedure:

The selection of the candidate is based on performance in the written test and personal interview, Decision of the Bank in this regard will be final. Kindly note that the written test will be conducted in English language only.


The remuneration will be Rs.15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand Only) per month on consolidated basis.


c. Maximum 12 days in a calendar year limited to a maximum of 4 days on each occasion to be availed only after prior approval of RSETI Director.

d. There is no provision for encashment of leaves even after exit of the Office Assistant on any reason/ground. No leaves can be accumulated. At the end of the calendar year, the leaves would lapse.

Exit Policy:

On one month's notice from either side.
X: Important Points:

ii) Last date for submission of application is 08.09.2021.

The date of the written test and the interview shall be decided with due consultation with higher authorities and with the committee formed for the purpose of appointment of support staff at RSETIs. The same shall be communicated to the applicants by email. No separate postal letter will be issued.

iv) The duly completed application form should reach us at the address "The Zonal Manager, Bank of India, Khandwa Zonal Office.Pd.Makhanlal chaturvedi marg. Anand Nagar, Khandwa-450001" in a closed cover by 4 P.M. on or before 08.09.2021.


APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF OFFICE ASSISTANT IN RSETI-(Name of RSETI should be mentioned on the top of the envelope. Partially filled or unfille…
 X: ix) If any candidate is selected, he/she should not be attached to any Government/Private/any other on permanent/temporary/contractual basis as on the date of issue of engagement order.

 Job Profile of RSETI office Attendant:

1) All general subordinate work of the RSETI required for assisting the Director and other staff of the RSETI for smooth functioning of the day to day activities.

ii) Up keeping of premises including office, training class rooms, dormitory, bathrooms, filing cabinet, visitors lounge, etc.

iii) Any other work entrusted by the Director of RSETI from time to time.


1) Minimum matriculate (10th) pass.

ii) Candidate with the ability to read and write local language will be preferred. iii) The candidate should preferably be a resident of the district where the RSETI is located.

How to apply:

The application should be submitted by the candidate with necessary documents as per Bank's prescribed format (Annexure-II) which is available from our Bank's official

 X: How to apply

The application should be submitted by the candidate with necessary documents as per Bank's prescribed format (Annexure-II) which is available from our Bank's official website.

No. of Vacancies:

One vacancy for the post of office attendant in our RSETI Khandwa, one vacancy for post of office attendant at RSETI Burhanpur and one vacancy for post of office attendant at khargone on contractual basis for a period of Two Years.

Age Criteria:

Minimum 18 years and Maximum 63 years subject to physical fitness.

Selection Procedure:

The selection of the candidate is based on performance in the interview. Decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final.
 X: Remuneration:

The remuneration will be Rs. 8,000/- (Rupees Eight Thousand Only) per month on contractual basis.


e. Maximum 12 days in a calendar year limited to a maximum of 4 days on each occasion to be availed only after prior approval of RSETI Director.


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f. There is no provision for encashment of leaves even after exit of the Attendant on any reason/ground. No leaves can be accumulated. At the end of the calendar year, the leaves would lapse.
 X: Exit Policy:

One month's notice from either side.

Important Points:


Last date for submission of application is 08.09.2021.

x) The date of the interview shall be decided with due consultation with higher authorities and with the committee formed for the purpose of appointment of support staff at RSETIS. The same shall be communicated to the Applicants by email. No separate postal letter will be issued.

x) The duly completed application form should reach us at the following address: "The Zonal Manager. Bank of India. Khandwa Zonal Office, Pd.Makhanlal chaturvedi marg. Anand Nagar. Khandwa-450001" in a closed cover by 4 P.M. on or before 08.09.2021.

xi) "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF OFFICE ATTENDANT IN RSETI-(Name of RSETI)" should be mentioned on the…
 X: xiv) Please note that Bank of India reserves the right to cancel/postpone the advertisement/selection process without any prior notice.

xv) If any candidate is selected, he/she should not be attached to any Government/Private/any other on permanent/temporary/contractual basis as on the date of issue of engagement order.


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 X: lob Profile of RSETI Watchman cum Gardener:

1. Watch and ward of the premises.

2. Gardening work and maintenance and upkeep of the premises. 3. In case of need, to perform the duties of the attendant.

4. Any other work entrusted by the Director RSETI from time to time.


i) The candidate should have passed 8th Standard.

ii) Candidate with the ability to read and write local language will be preferred.

iii) The candidate should have experience preferably in agriculture/ gardening/


iv) The candidate should preferably be a resident of the district where the RSETI is located.

How to apply:

The application should be submitted by the candidate with necessary documents as per Bank's prescribed format (Annexure-II) which is available from our Bank's official website.
 X: No. of Vacancies:

Two vacancy for the post of watchman in our RSETI Khandwa ,two vacancy for the post of watchman at RSETI Burhanpur and two vacancy for the post of watchman at RSETI khargone on contractual basis for a period of Two Years.

Age Criteria:

Minimum 18 years and Maximum 63 years subject to physical fitness.

Selection Procedure:

The selection of the candidate is based on performance in the interview. Decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final.


The remuneration will be Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) per month on contractual basis.


g. Maximum 12 days in a calendar year limited to a aximum of 4 days on each occasion to be availed only after prior approval of RSETI Director.
 X: h. There is no provision for encashment of leaves even after exit of the Attendant on any reason/ground. No leaves can be accumulated. At the end of the calendar year,


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the leaves would lapse.

Exit Policy:

One month's notice from either side.

Important Points:

xvi) Last date for submission of application is 08.09.2021.

xi) The date of the interview shall be decided with due consultation with higher authorities and with the committee formed for the purpose of appointment of support staff at RSETIS. The same shall be communicated to the Applicants by email. No separate postal letter will be issued.
X: xvii) The duly completed application form should reach us at the following address: "The Zonal Manager, Bank of India. Khandwa Zonal Office.Pd.makhanlal chaturvedi marg.Anand Nagar. Khandwa-450001" in a closed cover by 4 P.M. on or before 08.09.2021.

xviii) "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF WATCHMAN CUM GARDENER IN RSETI: (Name of RSETI) should be mentioned on the top of the envelope. Partially filled or unfilled applications will be summarily rejected.

xix) Bank will not be held responsible for any postal delay or non-delivery of any communication.

xx) Candidates should mention their e-mail ID without fall in the application form as all communication will be made through e-mail.

xxi) Please note that Bank of India reserves the right to cancel/postpone the advertisement/selection process without any prior notice.

xxii) If any candidate is selected, he/she should not be attached to any Government/Private/any permanent/temporary/contractual basis as on the date of issue of 

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